Sunday 17 October 2010


"The layout of text on a printed page, sign or other object. It refers to the style, size and
 layout of the text characters (fonts)."

Sometimes typography is all you need to communicate your ideas effectively. Graphics can support the type or type can support the graphics, but to deliver the message precisely, you need to make sure your type is expressive enough, your design is distinctive enough and the composition is strong enough. The results are sometimes crazy, sometimes artsy, sometimes beautiful, but often just different from things we’re used to. Thus designers explore new horizons and we explore new viewing perspectives which is what inspiration is all about.

A few different examples of Typefaces..

What I intend to use on my magazine..
My magazine is aimed at both females and males aged 16-19. I need to consider my target audience carefully when choosing my typefaces as well as everything else featured on the magazine. The font can't be too girly, and it can't be too male-ish. I asked my target audience which font they preferred from these fonts:

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